Permission Based Authorization in Graphql using graphql-rp-directive

Permission Based Authorization in Graphql using graphql-rp-directive

(2 min read)

@baijanstack/graphql-rp-directive is a package published by me. It uses custom directives in order to apply authorization in graphql. We can do field level authorization using permissions and roles.


  1. Install the dependency.
npm install @baijanstack/graphql-rp-directive
  1. Update your typedefs with the necessary directive.
const typedefs = gql`
  directive @hasPermission(permissions: [String!]) on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT

  # your other typedefs
  # ...
  1. Create your role and permission data.
import {
} from "@baijanstack/graphql-rp-directive";

const rolePermissionsData: TRolePermission = {
  ADMIN: {
    permissions: [
    permissions: ["READ_MUTATION_RESPONSE"],
  1. Create your executable schema with your typedefs and resolvers.
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
  1. Add the permission directives to your schema.
const schemaWithPermissionDirective = getAuthorizedSchema(schema, {
  1. Pass schemaWithPermissionDirective as schema to your graphql server and return the user object from the context.
const server = new ApolloServer<{
  user: {
    roles: Array<string>;
  schema: schemaWithPermissionDirective,
  context: {
    user: {
      roles: ["PUBLIC"],
  1. By default, all your resolvers request will be denied unless you specify the directive on the field or object.

  2. Apply directives to your typedefs.

const typeDefs = `
directive @hasPermission(permissions: [String!]) on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT

type Query {
  # this api will be denied request because it is missing the directive
  publicFields: PublicField
  restrictedFields: RestrictedField @hasPermission(permissions: ["READ_RESTRICTED_FIELD"])
  secureFields: SecureField @hasPermission(permissions: ["READ_SECURE_DATA"])

type PublicField {
  name: String!

type RestrictedField {
  name: String!

type SecureField @hasPermission(permissions: ["READ_SECURE_DATA"]) {
  name: String!
  email: String!

type Mutation {
  createFields(id: Int!): MutationResponse! @hasPermission(permissions: ["CREATE_FIELD"])

type MutationResponse @hasPermission(permissions: ["READ_MUTATION_RESPONSE"]) {
  done: Boolean!